BSX Schmölzer GmbH

BSX-Schmölzer GmbH develops and produces film, media, cultural and municipal projects. The company was founded in 1990 by Hansjürgen Schmölzer as a sole proprietorship. Since then, we have developed, supervised and produced a large number of international cultural projects as well as films and print media products.

The marketing and communications management of “Graz 2003 – European Capital of Culture” was a major development step for the company and laid the foundation for Europe-wide networking of our activities.

In 2007, BSX took over the location-management for a creative park on the site of a former blinds-factory in the Annenviertel district of Graz in addition to the operational business areas. In 2012, BSX expanded the site by a second location in Idlhofgasse. Today, theatre groups, film and media production service providers, editorial and planning offices as well as film studios and event rooms are accommodated there on a total usable area of more than 5,000 m².

We received a number of international awards for our work: from the Globe Award for the world’s best marketed cultural project to the Austrian State Award for Marketing.

The project CREATIVE AUSTRIA, developed and managed by BSX, was presented by the OECD in the large-scale international study “Tourism and the Creative Economy” 2014 as Best Practice Case Study. In 2015, the project was presented by the UN at the first joint world conference of the two UN agencies UNESCO and UNWTO as a worldwide example of the mediation and internationalisation of contemporary cultural and creative offerings.

The aim of our work, in all our fields of activity, is to make a constructive contribution to an open, democratic, tolerant and integrated society through our films, publications and projects. A society in which freedom of expression, freedom of the media and respect for human rights and dignity are not put at risk. We want to intervene creatively and critically where we consider it necessary.